Month: July 2019

Prolaby Drunk, Huzzah!

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Random Events

This is a game mechanic that will add random events into the game on a daily / semi daily basis. Please see information guide below. Random event categories will be chosen with a dice roll.  All events will be accompanied by our regular roll to determine the type/outcome of the event unless additional dice rolls…
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Maps and Tools

Current Maps at the top Stasis Bunker Level:


Click a character to see their current inventory and notes Bishop DK Edward Flick Frederick Hannah Russ Sam Zara


Inventory Buffs for Chapter 2: Extra Spell granted from Power Core. Limit increased to 4 spells. Spells used: 1/4 (3 remain) Familiar: 5 in game days to process license for 2nd familiar. Original is located on 9th floor of Eden Center Main Building, Type and Species is unknown Current Clothing: CD with Black Band Earbuds…
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Inventory Buffs: None Special: None Current Clothing: CD with red band Notes: Augmented Human Eligible for upgrades


Inventory Buffs: None Speical: None Current clothing Notes: Augmented Human Plagued by bad luck and injuries


Inventory Buffs: None Special: None Current Clothing CD with Black Band Earbuds Notes: Human who can use magic


Inventory Buffs: Used: 1 /3 speed boost Special: None No Clothing Notes Has the only neural interface with NIMS and can communicate with her without speaking. Augmented Human Did not put on CD Had data sent to an unknown entity after retrieving lock pick device. Upgraded Buffs: Faster Healing, 3 speed boost daily (+1 to…
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Inventory Buffs: None Special: None Current Outfit Notes: Earbuds CD with Red Band Has a malfunctioning augmented limb: Loss of speed, possible malfunctions, pain, and nausea during combat. Must upgrade to remove these afflictions. Augmented Human


Inventory Buffs: Special: Current Clothing: Eden Center Gift Store Clothing Notes Status: Recovering in med bay, can communicate or use a droid proxy if desired Buffs for Chapter 2: +1 to most rolls Credits: 30,000 Augmented Human