
Prolaby Drunk, Huzzah!

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Current Clothing: Eden Center Gift Store Clothing


Status: Recovering in med bay, can communicate or use a droid proxy if desired

Buffs for Chapter 2: +1 to most rolls

Credits: 30,000

Augmented Human

One Response

  1. Edward says:

    Name: Edward Behrstadt

    Nicknames: Ed, Behr

    Age: 36

    Sex: Male

    Height: 6’1

    – Tanned skin.
    – Black hair bound in a short ponytail.
    – His eyes are a dark brown, but at times faint traces of blue light can be glimpsed due to optical implants.
    – Wirey build type with only a slight hint of any muscle definition.

    Cybernetic Augmentation:

    Edward’s body is host to a dedicated biomechanical network. A central AI-controlled processor is phsyically integrated with his brain – which interprets electrical signals to provide instructions to the network as well as at times direct visual feedback to Edward himself. Visual feedback can include factual or assumed data as well as physical indicators (reticles, highlighted objects, etc).

    The network itself primarily consists of nanomachine and stimulant plants, using available resources gathered from within the body to create targeted chemical compounds. These compounds are delivered via nanomachines as needed – be it to bolster strength, repair damage tissued, or releive fatigue.

    It should be specifically noted that the AI controlling this network is not capable of direct conversation or intellectual thought – but is highly intelligent in analyzing data provided by the brain and responding. At times the host’s desires can be interpreted and answered, but phsyical need (read: Survival of the host) is always given priority.

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