
Prolaby Drunk, Huzzah!

Created with Sketch.


This character gets their power from love of nature and animals and the ability to speak with them telepathically and persuade them to follow commands. They do not fight, instead using the plants and animals they influence to fight for them.They do not use tech and rarely use magic items.

Requirements: None, anyone can play, not recommended for Magic users as this class rarely uses it.

Ranks and Perks


Original Rank


3 Commands Daily

Command: Serve Me (Allows character to control plants and animals. They can adopt 1 new charge per day or only control temporarily)


Achieved after 10 successful commands


4 commands daily

Serve me: 2x per day

Serve Me Bonus: +1 to command roll after successful adoption


Achieved after 20 successful commands


4 commands daily

Serve Me 3x per day

Serve Me Bonus

1 re-roll


Achieved after 40 successful commands


5 commands daily

Servme 4x per day

Serve Me bonus 2x per day

+2 re-rolls


Flash Mob: Command up to 5 plants and/or animals to attack at once and gain a combined attack from all rolls

Kill Order: Instant success or +2 to next 2 turns, refill 2 commands 1x per day

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