How Classes Work

Prolaby Drunk, Huzzah!

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How Classes Work

Each character has the ability to choose a class from a Master Terminal or from an Emissary stationed at the Blue Space Hub. They start out in the original rank and gain the skill that belongs with that class. They can use this skill once per day (unless they receive an item that recovers their use) and it stays with them through all of the levels.

Leveling Up

Each level starts with a success counter of 0. As characters use their class skills (they will learn and gain as they go along), they will receive points into this counter until they reach the next level where they will gain a new set of perks and their success counter starts over at 0.

Max Level

Once a character reaches a max level, they no longer keep track of success moves and gain 2 elite skills for their class. 

Changing Classes

You are able to change your class at the beginning of any chapter as long as you meet the requirements for the class. You must visit a Master Terminal or an Emissary to do this act. Once you change your class, you will go down one rank in the class you are discarding. If you are joining a new class, you start at the bottom of the ranks. If you have previously used this class, you start at the level that was changed when you discarded the class previously (Ex. You were level 3 and discarded the class bringing you down to a level 2. If you decide to pick it up again, you will start at level 2 with a success counter of 0)

Class Term

You must keep any selected class for at least 2 chapters before you can discard it.

Minor Class Skills

These are secondary skills that you can use to enhance your character. You may only choose 1 at a time. You retain all levels you gain, even if you discard the class. You can only change class at the beginning of the day, which means you will have to keep that class for the entire chapter and cannot change it until the next one. You can use skills relating to your minor class at any time with no limits unless specified in the classes skill description. For example, a treasure hunter skill can only be used once per day with a guaranteed success. You can, however, do theft oriented actions to role play this type of character without limits. As we play, new skills may be added to sub classes to help balance this out.

However, after 3 failed attempts, a de-buff of -1 will apply to any further attempts of that classes skills during the active chapter. After 10 failed attempts, the de-buff will increase to -2. This de-buff will be removed at the beginning of each day.

Read about the various classes to choose from here.