Weston Haught – Message 1

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Weston Haught – Message 1

The following is a loose transcript of the message sent from Weston Haught.

Hello Eden 9. My name is Weston Haught. I am part of the original founders of the Eden Corporation, and responsible for everything that has happened to you. Allow me this briefest of moments to try and explain what has happened and give you hope for what is to come. 

There is much that you should know, but I will try to tell it to you plainly. You are all part of a group that volunteered to go into stasis to protect and maintain humanity in the scenario that our efforts would not be able to eliminate the Beta 1 parasite. If humanity was extinguished, you and the other stasis groups would have taken the responsibility to restart society on this planet.  

When the New Wave occurred, the infected zones became more and more dangerous. In order to protect you while in stasis we were transferring you to another location. However, we were sabotaged by a Pro Apocalypse Death Cult called The Horsemen. They believe the parasite is here to purge the planet and leave some sort of utopia for our further evolution. 

In order to inform you about what happened to your memories I must give a brief overview of how stasis works. We essentially download your mind into Divinity Shards. We need to reprogram your entire brain to get you into stasis so this is essential. However, when our buildings undergo a security lockdown, the shards with your minds stored on them are jettisoned out to the Master Terminals at all of our locations. 

This is what happened to you. The only shard that remained is what you are working with now. Your mind is essentially stored in 5 different locations. Retrieval by normal means has been disabled indefinitely due to massive attacks on our infrastructure and network, and this is where my request for your help begins.

You see, all of the Eden Centers are isolated from communication. My ability to travel is severely limited and with the unrest and danger that is out there, I am being prevented from leaving the safety of my compound. There is no way to coordinate with Eden Center forces at this time either. I am afraid the corruption may have gone deeper than the janitorial staff, but I am not at liberty to discuss this right now.

So as you can see, I need your help to get some very important files from the master terminals and back to me. It is involving a cure for the parasite that could change the world as we know it. I implore you for your help and in return I will do my best to outfit you on your journey. Together, we can save the world.

Thank you for listening. Please see NIMS for additional information that I wasn’t able to cover here. I hope to talk to you again soon.

I am Weston Haught, signing off.