Time, Travel, Needs

Prolaby Drunk, Huzzah!

Created with Sketch.

Time, Travel, Needs

Time and Traveling: 

Time will move based on your actions, timed events, and a structured system. Here is a detailed break down. Do not feel overwhelmed! I will explain each step when we reach it while we play if you don’t want to read all of this now. This is simply for reference and to keep things straight for me!

Days in game will be split into the following sections: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night. Based on location and events, these time slots will provide structure for the day. If you decide to explore a building or other space, time may move differently based on how you explore.

There are 3 ways of traveling in game.


Time: In dungeons and buildings time will be based on several factors including how many rooms you visit and how long you spend there. The Story Teller / DM will be in charge of how much time flows based on how it fits into the story. You may end up spending days in one location.

Once a building or dungeon is selected the group will do the following actions:

The group will choose their route based on maps and/or description of the space. 

These areas will be split into rooms or floors. Each room or floor will require a group roll for encounters. Based on the amount of players in the group, the rubric will adjust. 

For a group of 5:
1-10 Definite Enemy Encounter w/ Combat
10-18 Definite Encounter (situational)
18 – 23 No Encounters
24 – 30 Friendly Encounter w/ reward

Ex: Building has 3 floors. The group will roll together for each floor they travel to

Note: Mandatory and plot based encounters will NOT be factored into this roll. They will happen regardless.

Towns and Cities:

Group will decide where they want to go, together or separate based on maps or descriptions. Each player will roll 2d6 for encounters based on where they go (If they are together, all characters get a turn based on randomly selecting who goes first). Shopping? Roll. Exploring a warehouse on the docks? Roll. Visiting the Bank? Roll.

Encounters in towns and cities can be from a variety of options based on this rubric:

1-3: Bad Encounter w/ guaranteed combat or chance of jail

4-6: Negative encounter w/ chance of combat

7-9: Neutral encounter with chance of recruiting friend/party member npc/ merchant

10-12: Positive encounter with possibility of reward

Above 12 (With buffs or items): Positive encounter with guaranteed reward

Open World / Wilderness

Time: There are many ways to look at time and how long it will take to get to any given place. The group will need to set a destination and route, which will determine a minimum and maximum amount of traveling days. 

The time periods for each day are a huge factor in traveling in the open world. A reminder of this division is: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night

At the beginning of the day, the group will choose a navigator via dice roll. Highest roll wins.

The navigator will roll 4d6 to determine how each portion of the day will go. Navigators can use boost items for this roll to be applied to ONE section of the day. They must already possess the item and cannot be given a boost from another player for this roll.


1 – Very Negative Event: Guaranteed combat or other bad outcome

2 – Negative Event: Bad encounter w/ possibility of combat

3 – No Event: Open for whatever you want!

4 – Neutral Event: Fun or weird event with no positive or negative implied, though they can occur

5 – Positive Event: Good event w possibility of reward

6 – Very Positive Event: A wonderful event with rewards for all present party members

Ex: Roll 4d6

Outcome: 2 5 3 6

Morning is 2, Afternoon is 5, Evening is 3 and Night is 6

Morning will have a negative event

Afternoon will have a positive event

Evening will be neutral with no events except what you role play

Night will be a very positive event with reward.

After the event for each section of the day is completed,  time will move forward. This will give the opportunity for all players to have a chance at participating in an event for each traveling day and will hopefully help with things feeling rushed. I don’t want to rush you, but I do want to keep things at a reasonable pace. 

Another item to consider at the beginning of the day is travel speed. The group will decide if they want to travel slow or fast. Slow travel will involve more detail on surroundings and opportunities to explore or encounter NPC’s based on the roll for that period of the day. Encounters will be more intricate while traveling slow and may have more rewards or consequences. Fast travel will skip details and influence the type of encounters. This will severely limit exploration and chance to find new items or meet new NPCS. 

Ex: Slow travel day: Walk through a forest, see a cave, explore the cave, find treasure, kill a gross creature, gain successes in skills to level up, get lost, meet a friend with a rare item to trade, get to a small village, celebrate in a pub and sleep in blue space or an inn.

Fast travel day: Walk through a forest, find a creature, get to town, sleep.

The option to change travel speed will occur at the beginning of each time period for the day.

Eating and Rest

The group must consider things like eating and rest and incorporate it into at least 1 time slot each day . It is mandatory to consume at least 1 meal and have 1 resting period per day. They can be taken during the same time period but must be role played and appropriate items removed from inventory. Resting will consume the entire time period outside of events, so you will not be able to do anything but rest and respond to the event during the time period selected for rest. 

If the group does not eat for a full day, -1 will apply to all roles until eating has occurred.

If the group does not rest for a full day, -1 will apply to all roles until rest has occurred. 

A total of -2 to all rolls can be applied.for neglecting your needs!

Some events can influence the rest of the day! If you get arrested in the morning and end up in a jail cell, it will change the rest of the day. All navigator rolls will be negated and new rolls will be done for events following a major change. We will discuss more details if this occurs.