Combat Tutorial and FAQ

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Combat Tutorial and FAQ

Fighting Tutorial:

Welcome to the fighting tutorial.

Today we will take some time to go over combat so that when you get into a fight you know what to expect!

Combat begins when an npc or other character initiates an attack. This can happen in a variety of situations. Before combat begins, the storyteller will alert all players who may be involved and give them an opportunity to react if possible. If there is an ambush or the enemy initiates the first blow, the characters will have to respond in kind.

Once the fight is begun the storyteller will post a battle map and give the hit points for all characters involved. If NPC’s are called into battle, they will be placed in the turn order at a random position and maintain that turn until the battle is over or they are incapacitated.

(Example: Map with monsters and hp next to them and characters involved, placement on map is placement in the battle field.)

Each player in the fight will be given a turn. While traveling, this will be based on the established travel order with turns for the enemy placed in the queue based on a dice roll. If combat happens in other locations, a battle order will be determined by random draw at the beginning of the fight. The Storyteller will use the bot or a dice roll to determine this order. 

The order for the fight will be posted during the setting of the combat scene immediately after posting the battle map. 

When the turn for your character arrives, you will have to decide what you would like to do and proceed to role play those actions before making a dice roll for the outcome. You can be detailed or simple in your response. 

When completing your turn you should consider all buffs, debuffs, items, and consumables that you can use for your turn. It is to your benefit to keep your own listing of these items, but the Storyteller will attempt to keep an updated list and provide this information for you during the combat sequence. If you have questions about what is available, just ask!

While role playing yoru movement, all desired items or skills should be included in the statement. Please see examples below.

After the roll, the Storyteller will fill in the rest of the action based on the outcome and the next player or enemy will take their turn in order. During this, the other players can roleplay responses and conversation if they desire, but they should be limited until the combat situation has been completed.

(Example, if someone is hit with a mighty blow, characters can react with fear or trying to help etc, but they cannot make a direct move until their turn in the order. There may be items or consumables that can be purchased, found, or crafted to attempt to move their turn forward in a queue. They must be used immediately and will be addressed in turn based on the discretion of the storyteller. )

Most enemies (with the exception of “bosses”, key characters, and certain enemies) will attempt to surrender or run away once they fall below half of their initial hit points.The player with the nexxt turn after this has happened will have the power to accept their surrender or deliver a killing blow. 

If at any time a character does NOT want to act and instead would like to skip their turn, they can state this in rp and the action will move to the next player in line. 

Characters have various weapons, familiars and items that can be used in combat. It is required that the character role play using these items or asking for this help in order for it to be applied. Items like lucky totems or certain augmented body parts should be referenced during the role play portion of combat. 

Skills: Skills must also be role played if they will be used. Remember, successful use of skills counts towards leveling up in that particular class.

Characters can choose to offer their own surrender or run at any time. The success of these actions will be dictated by the dice roll. 

Here is a step by step example of combat: 

Step 1: Combat is initiated. Storyteller will post a battle map with all enemies, allies, hit points, and combat order. If this map is unavailable, the Storyteller will post the same information minus the map. 

Step 1a: If the enemy gets the first hit they will do the following steps before the next player takes their turn. 

Step 2: The Storyteller will direct the first player to start their turn. Storyteller will do their best to post all buffs and debuffs as well as any available consumables or boosts that the character can use. 

Step 3: Make your move. The player will rp their projected move and then roll for outcome (2d6 unless specified otherwise. We are still working on our “perfect rubric”!). 

This rp should include what you want to use for your attack and what type if possible (hit, kick, throw, etc) This can be as simple or detailed as you like. It is important to include all items, skills, and consumables you would like to apply to your attack or defense. 

Ex:  Detailed – Roxy pulls back her right fist and readies a punch with a grimace. She touches her wrist to activate her Power Punch ability. She swings it forward with all of her might, aiming for the bandits face. 

Simple – Roxy Attacks with her fist. She uses Power Punch. 

Step 4: Based on the roll, the Storyteller will complete the action and add any pertinent information such as new HP levels and any buffs or boons. The Storyteller will direct combat to the next person in the queue. 

Step 5: Start over from Step  2. If there is time before the response, other players can respond in rp but cannot take any turns unless they attempt to use an item. 

Step 5a: In certain battles, updated battle maps may be provided, especially if new enemies present themselves of the setting changes for whatever reason. 

Step 6: Combat is completed if any of the following conditions are met: 

All enemies have surrendered, escaped, died or have exacted that result from all participating combat characters.  

All allies have surrendered, escaped, died, or have extracted that result from all enemies. 

Storyteller ends combat based on a roll or other event. 

Step 7: Once combat is completed the Storyteller will finish the combat scene and give all pertinent information regarding injury, buffs or debuffs, and status of NPC’s, familiars, companions, and bots. 


Can I run away at the beginning of a fight?

You can always attempt an escape at any time. The success of your attempt will be based on a dice roll.

Can I make up my own skills/spells/special attacks?

You can describe your attacks in any way you like. All successes and failures are based on the dice roll that accompanies it. 

How many familiars/companions/npc friends/ bots can I have in a fight?

In order to keep things simple, we will keep the number of fight participants at 10. This includes all allies and enemies. Once we reach 10, you can switch out one of your allies at the beginning of your turn. It will not take away your ability to act during your turn unless you give them a command to fight in your place.

What happens if my hit points fall to 0?

You will be knocked unconscious when your hit points fall to zero. Many things can happen at this point. 

The combat order will be maintained. If an ally has the next turn they can use it to save you via medical attention or removing you from the battle field. 

If an enemy has the next turn they will roll to make a killing blow.

Yes, your character can die but I will only allow a final death if you want to return with a new character. 

If the enemy makes a killing blow, but there is no desire to return with a new character, NIMS will step in and save you. 

If the enemy makes a killing blow but there is a desire to return with a new character, your character will parish and the battle will continue until the conditions are met to end the encounter. 

Once you reach 0 HP’s you will not be able to fight or be moved for the next 2 time periods and there will be a -1 debuff for the next 2 rolls after coming out of a near death state. 

What is the point of killing enemies if they can be taken captive or allowed to run away?

Dead enemies will yield the opportunity to search their bodies and belongings and increase the chances of finding valuable loot. If the enemy runs away this opportunity is removed. If you take someone captive you can still search them and their belongings, but the chances of finding valuable loot will decrease. 

What are the ways to avoid combat?

You can avoid combat by using diplomacy/charm, offering bribes or other commodities, or trying to hide or run away. Traps are a good way to keep an enemy from attacking as well. 

Can I start a fight with anyone I want?

Yes, but it is not always recommended….