Random Events

Prolaby Drunk, Huzzah!

Created with Sketch.

Random Events

This is a game mechanic that will add random events into the game on a daily / semi daily basis. Please see information guide below.

Random event categories will be chosen with a dice roll. 

All events will be accompanied by our regular roll to determine the type/outcome of the event unless additional dice rolls are requested during the event.

If you are able to play the event in real time, you may have the opportunity to influence minor details within the event with your role play and additional dice rolls. If not, the scene will be “played” for you and you will be able to reference the outcome for the remainder of the game.

A countdown timer will be added until each event starts so that the person involved knows when to expect it, regardless of their ability to contribute or not.

I will attempt to do 3 events per day in the morning, afternoon, and evening. 

The events themselves will “exist” for up to 24 hours after they are initiated. They will be played in a separate but parallel timeline, meaning if there is something happening within the group, this event will run alongside that regardless of what is happening and will conclude at the end of the 24 hour period. As stated, if the character selected is unable to participate, the event will unfold and conclude without their input, however, at their next opportunity, they can address it in rp. 

During the event, players referenced can play the events independent of what is happening in the main story, or simultaneously, whichever they choose. If they are able to actively respond, they will be given the opportunity to do dice rolls and influence what happens as much as possible for the type of event. 

Player can only participate in 1 event per 24 hour period unless the entire group is selected for the event. If their name is randomly drawn again, the bot will be rolled again to select a different player.  Group events and multi-player events are also limited to 1 per 24 hours.

Group events will impact the entire group, regardless of participation.

Categories for random events:

1, Enemy encounter with NPC: Will encounter an enemy or bad NPC, combat will ensue if a 1 – 3 is rolled on the dice. 

2. Friendly encounter with NPC: Will meet a friendly NPC. Outcome and possible rewards will be determined with a  dice roll.

3. Discovery: Character will discover something new!

4. Positive: A random positive event will happen.

5. Negative: A random negative event will happen.

6. Emergency: A random urgent event will happen. 

7. Whimsical: A random whimsical event will occur.

8. Mysterious: A random mysterious event will occur.

9. Dangerous: A random dangerous event will occur.

10. Spooky: A random scary or spooky event will occur.

11. Humorous: A random funny event will occur.

12. Reward: A random event with a guaranteed reward will occur.

13. Loss: A random event with a guaranteed loss will occur. Loss can be injury, loss of an item, or anything else that results in something being taken from the player.

14. Medical: A random medical event will occur.

15. Technology: A random technology based event will occur.

16. Magic: A random magical event will occur.

17. Memory: A random memory recollection event will occur. Not to be from the set of memory events submitted as “major revelations” for your character

18. Momo’s Choice: I get to choose which category!

Example of a random event:

Bot will be used to select a random player or players or even the group

Dice roll will determine the category of the event

Dice roll will determine the initial outcome of the event using our current rubric.

Timer will be set until event begins, no less than 2 hours, no more than 12.

When the timer is up, scene will be presented to the character or group of characters. This will be woven as much as possible into the story that is currently taking place.

Timer will be set for the duration of the event, this will always be 24 hours.

When timer is over, event will be concluded.

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