Month: July 2019

Prolaby Drunk, Huzzah!

Created with Sketch.

Stasis Facility Information

Building has 25 sub-levels, 10 floors above ground. 35 Total.Survivors have partially explored the lowest level of the bunker section below ground. Power has been disrupted and connections damaged. It is unclear how this happened or what it means. It is also unclear if they can fix it or not.

Eden Initiative Agreement

Eden Initiative Privacy and NDA: It seems to be a standard privacy / non disclosure and compliance contract. One section sticks out, however. “You agree to all treatments, experimental or otherwise, as determined by the Eden Initiative staff. Your length of stasis will be determined by the Board of Preservation. If your viral load is…
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Eden Initiative Welcome Video

Transcript of Eden Initiative Welcome Video:  A video player opens the file revealing a calming field of flowers dappled with sunlight. There is a slight breeze and pleasant male voice speaks.  ” Welcome to the Eden Initiative. You are part of the future.  At the time of this recording, earth has been quarantined. Extinction events…
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Stasis Room Data

Stasis Duration for Survivors: 32 years, 3 months, 2 days from start of story Data from the latest activity in the Stasis room shows that there were once over 100 subjects that were moved from the facility just before the group of survivors currently awake were revived. One subject was removed a few hours before…
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Watch/ CD Info

Watch / Comms Devices is shortened to CD. Each survivor is wearing one except for Frederick who chose to throw his away.  CD’s are able to transmit messages from NIMS and other users, monitor vitals, activate nano tech if present, track viral load, and a host of other tasks that are to be discovered.  CD’s…
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Timeline of Events

Updated at the end of most days with events. Chapter 1: Awakening: Chapter 2: Searching for Answers

Chapter 1: Awakening

October 15, 2331, 3:37 PM: Subjects awaken in the mysterious room. They are naked,  have no memories and are not sure where they are. They are prompted by a voice to begin to gather their personal items from a row of lockers when the voice is cut off. After a few moments a man named…
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Protected: Hannah

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Protected: Sam

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Protected: Flick / Felicity Abernathy

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