Eden Initiative Welcome Video

Prolaby Drunk, Huzzah!

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Eden Initiative Welcome Video

Transcript of Eden Initiative Welcome Video: 

A video player opens the file revealing a calming field of flowers dappled with sunlight. There is a slight breeze and pleasant male voice speaks. 

” Welcome to the Eden Initiative. You are part of the future.  At the time of this recording, earth has been quarantined. Extinction events have proven to be  imminent. In order to preserve our species (Human, Augmented Human, and Artificial Human alike) we have asked for people like you to volunteer for immediate stasis, only to be awakened when Eden Levels are achieved. You have  completed your screening for the Beta 1 Virus. Your virus load has been proven to be undetectable, meaning you have a natural immunity for the plague that has infected our planet. You are one of the few immune humans who heeded the call to action and agreed to suspend your life to save our kind. 

You have awoken to paradise. Your NIMS unit will be your companion in Eden Group 9. There are 14 other groups just like yours waking up now! You will be tasked in finding your Master Terminal and reuniting with the other Eden Groups in your sector. Your Master Terminal is located at a central hub which you will travel to in one of our state of the art transport pods. Follow instructions from your NIMS. She will guide you to the garden, where true life will begin. ” 

The video ends with a picture of an idyllic town, with people smiling and greeting one another. Children are laughing, there is music. The screen fades to a logo of a leave with a drop of dew falling from it’s tip. You recognize this logo as it has been on the walls and is also on the right front corner of your jumpsuit.