Category: RP Guides

Prolaby Drunk, Huzzah!

Created with Sketch.

Combat Tutorial and FAQ

Fighting Tutorial: Welcome to the fighting tutorial. Today we will take some time to go over combat so that when you get into a fight you know what to expect! Combat begins when an npc or other character initiates an attack. This can happen in a variety of situations. Before combat begins, the storyteller will…
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Travel Guide

Travel Tutorial You are about to embark on a map travel adventure! Traveling will be different from navigating a city, so I will lay out the steps for you now. Be aware that map travel will require more group decisions and interactions and will also include turns and an increased amount of combat and reward. …
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Timeline 2057 2103 2111

History Article 2111

2111 A space expedition is dispatched to a newly discovered cluster of planets named the Beta Luminar Pulse System. Little was known about this system and what rumors remained spoke of a lost civilization that had fallen so long ago that even the most studious of record keepers could find little mention of it that…
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History Article 2057 and 2103

2057 Space Travel reaches new heights when a major discovery prompts an explosion of hyperspace and stasis technology. While it wasn’t perfect, the ability to travel deep into space was realized and the world immediately went to work on reaching out into the depths of the unknown. 2103 Just after the turn of the century,…
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Time, Travel, Needs

Time and Traveling:  Time will move based on your actions, timed events, and a structured system. Here is a detailed break down. Do not feel overwhelmed! I will explain each step when we reach it while we play if you don’t want to read all of this now. This is simply for reference and to…
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Chapter 2 Recap: Searching for Answers

October 16th, 2331 The group wakes up rested and ready for a new day trying to figure out who they are and what has happened to the world. As they wake up, Zara is visited by one fo the stuffed animals from the gift store, a fluffly blue fox. It speaks to her and tells…
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Protected: Inventory System

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Weston Haught – Message 1

The following is a loose transcript of the message sent from Weston Haught. Hello Eden 9. My name is Weston Haught. I am part of the original founders of the Eden Corporation, and responsible for everything that has happened to you. Allow me this briefest of moments to try and explain what has happened and…
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Making Money

There are several ways of making credits. You can perform odd jobs and quests for rewards, hunt bounties, find vouchers, steal, or gamble. These opportunities will be made available to you randomly unless requested by using the Emissary. Each character will receive 5k credits at the beginning of each in game Friday as a subsidy…
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